NCLEX Review

Useful Prefixes and Suffixes that will help you on the nursing NCLEX

Root words help you understand concepts- cholescytectomy = removal of gall bladder; Cholestyramine medication that lowers cholesterol by excreting bile.. “hyperemesis gravidarum” = hyper means a lot; emsis means to vomit; gravidarum means pregnancy Pancrealipase Ase = enzyme What is an enzyme; used to break down foods Pancrelipase is a medication containing lipase, protease, and […]

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Emergency Room Nurse Specialty Program Review (BCIT)

Emergency Room Nurse Specialty Program Review 2020 – BCIT ER/ED Nursing I have finished my specialty training to become an emergency department nurse. I am very excited but equally nervous. There is a lot to know, and I have to continuously learn from my colleagues who are more experts in this field. However I just […]

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Emergency Room Nursing vs Floor Nursing

I recently finished my first week at the Emergency Department as a RN student. As some of you may know my hospital has sponsored me to become an ED nurse. Through this program we have clinical and courses we must pass in order to become a specialized ER nurse. Throughout the past year I have […]

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Comparing Nursing Schools in Canada

NURSING SCHOOL IN CANADA 2019 IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (B.C) CANADA – UBC/LANGARA/BCIT/VCC! In this video I explain why UBC’s Nursing program is the best in the province. Having a short, condensed program has many advantages.. I explain them in this video. I am not saying that other nursing programs are bad, in fact they may […]

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Nursing in Canada versus USA

The differences in the 2 countries. You work 4 shifts in a row. 2 day shifts and 2 night shifts. This is the standard in Canada. In the US this is different, you work 3 day shifts or 3 night shifts for the week. Private health care and Free health care. This obviously has huge […]